Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Reply to Carson's comment

There's some problem in making comments in my blog with my laptop. That's why I've never been able to reply to any of the comments.
I'm really glad to see the comments on my posts. That's one of the motivations to keep on writing.

As to the theme of my blog, I'd like to say that let's put the two themes together -- that becomes "enjoying handsome men".

There're always some sayings about the constellations. I'm a Libra whose feature is the love of beauty and justice. My roommates always say that everyone likes handsome men, especially me. Am I? Maybe...

But to be honest, I really enjoy looking at handsome men including you, Carson^^

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

For the past week

Carson said he seemed to sense a theme running through my blog post. Maybe that's true.

The theme is "enjoying". Perhaps it is also the theme of my whole life. Love what I've chosen and enjoy what I'm doing. Work hard and play hard.

Now I've just a little recovered from the sadness of my "treasure loss" two weeks ago. Although the imprint of the watch leaving on my wrist due to my long time wearness has faded gradually, I'm still not used to the life without my dear watch. How I miss you...

Since my camera has been died, I don't think there will be more pictures in my blog. Forgive me for that, my dear readers.

Last week was a week for movie, because I went to the Showcase Cenima several times and watched some huge movies including "Harry Potter and the Half-blood Princess""Transformer 2""G-Force in Real 3D". It's really different to watch a film in the treater where you have a chance to enjoy great visual and listening pleasure from on the laptop.

To be honest, I don't like the Harry Potter films as much as the books, especially for Harry Potter 6. You must get totally lost unless you know the whole story previously from the book. The director made up some ridiculous plots, but deleted some other important ones without which you can't have deep understanding of the story. The only thing worth mentioning is that the visual effect of the beginning is amazing especially when the death-eaters are flying.

It is said that there'll be HP6 of IMAX+3D version. Really looking forward to that.

"Transformer 2" and "G-Force" are much better than HP6. Those guinea pigs are extremely cute.

On Friday evening, after swimming, I went to Michigan Union for the Ballroom dancing party held by UMCSSA. It was my first time to enter Michigan Union except the lower ground. To tell you the truth, I was a little worried about what to wear for dancing, because I don't take many dresses with me for these two months. But not as expected, the dancing party was not former at all. The room was full of T-shirts, jeans and sneakers. Oh, my god! At the first time I entered the room, I was so surprised that I was not sure whether I've been in the right room.
The whole party was laughed at by one of my friends by three words -- "no music, no wine, no beauties" who came wearing a nice suit, but went upstairs to play Billiard balls instead.

Quite embarassed...

I got up late on Saturday morning and went swimming a little while in the afternoon. The pool was filled with people that afternoon most of which were Chinese. In the evening, I was invited to a friend's home for dinner. He cooked for me, because I'm not good at cooking at all. It was the most Chinese food I had these days and it was unusually delicious. I regret now I didn't eat more. We went to Kroger at midnight that day and ran across my mentor. What a surprise~ She looked quite pretty that night.

On Sunday evening, we went to Northwood 5 to learn to make Schwarzwaelder Kirschtorte (such a long name, it's a kind of cake actually with cherry as its feature).
I called a friend who also lives in Northwood 5 to come to the cake workshop, but the activity ended much earlier than I've expected. So I just left before my friend came because I needed somebody's ride to go back home and couldn't wait for him any longer. He said he was embarrassed going there just finding me gone... Oh, I was really sorry for that.

What an embarrassing weekend...

yes log on July 28th

Me: Jesse, I'm so sorry that I got up late this morning.
Jesse: Did you oversleep?
Me: Yeah, I overslept.

Monday, July 20, 2009

a yes log on July 20th

Me: Do you think we should try it again?
Jesse: I think so. We should give it a shot.
Me: Yeah, give it a shot.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Pfizer and the air show

On thursday, we were invited to visit Pfizer, the number one pharmaccutical company of the world which is famous for VIAGRA. When we first arrived there, the managers and senior managers gave us some lectures (Introduction to Pfizer, Green Chemistry, & the Organic Chemistry function; Analytical function (Discovery, ARD, CI, Q); ChemE function and Kalamazoo site API Operations). Admittedly, these were really interesting and informative lectures, but I just can't help falling asleep, cos I got up so early this morning... >.<

After the lunch (Turkey sandwich and coke), we were divided into four groups and showed around their plant. We took turns to visit Bldg91(API Production&CI LAbs, improvement lab demos), B149(API production), B335(API production). Those huge, complex and well-designed machine systems were really amazing. The managers introduced us how they do their work everyday. What impressed me most was a building which is entirely controlled by computers. So only three engineers are needed to work in this building.

Today's Pfizer is quite successful and my dream is to run a company like that.

On Saturday, I watched the blue angles air show at willow run airport.

The Blue Angels' mission is to enhance Navy and Marine Corps recruiting efforts and to represent the naval service to the United States, its elected leadership and foreign nations. The Blue Angels serve as positive role models and goodwill ambassadors for the U. S. Navy and Marine Corps.

The Blue Angels flight demonstration exhibited choreographed refinements of skills possessed by all naval aviators. It included the graceful aerobatic maneuvers of the four-plane Diamond Formation, in concert with the fast-paced, high-performance maneuvers of its two Solo Pilots. Finally, the team illustrated the pinnacle of precision flying, performing maneuvers locked as a unit in the renowned, six-jet Delta Formation.

We saw many different kinds of planes roaring over our heads such as F18 ("F" refers to fighter), A117("A" refers to attacker), B2 ("B" refers to bomber, Bs is actually a stealth bomber which looks extremely cool) and so on. A man who used to be in the air force told us some interesting stories and histories about those planes. A lot of planes took part in the Vietnam War, Iraq War or even World War Ⅱ.

And it was my honor to be taken a picture with the handsome chief pilot. Haha~
It was really a pity that I missed the welcome party held by UM-PKU Alumni Accociation in which there was a band performing for them. It is said that the performance was highly successful and a member of the band who comes from THU is perfectly handsome~
On Sunday, I went to the Church with a friend as a guest. To my surprise, the Hymn was perfomed by a band which looked quite modern. Then we listened to the clergy talking about wisdom which was very enlightening.
In the afternoon, I went swimming and took a walk to Huron River through the Nicolus Arboretum. I felt the peace and comfort just sitting by the river scilently.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Trip to Ford Museum&Green Field Village and BBQ with Tsinghua Alumni

After having expected for the weekend trip for the whole weekdays, we went to Detroit on Saturday morning pretty excitedly, although it ran cats and dogs that morning thundering and lightening. It was a little chilly, but the air-conditioner in the bus was still kept on so heavily that we felt ourselves just like vegetables in the frige. After talking about films with Yiren the whole way there, I finally stood inside the Ford Museum.
I was really impressed and loved these cars at first glance even though I had already saw Rolling Sculpture Car Show featuring more than 400 exotic, antique, classic, concept cars in the Main Street the day before. what first jumped into my eyes were cars specially designed for the presidents. They were all long and looked really gorgeous. I enjoyed soaking myself in the car phylogeny. There showed all kinds of cars including racing cars, carts, bicycles, locomotives, sedans. Henry Ford is really a great and respectable guy. Actually, the museum is devided into several areas such as planes, automobiles, agriculture machine, furniture, music, clock, jewellery, silver and so on. I spent more than two hours and then went to the Green Field Village.

Green Field Village is the village where Henry Ford ever lived in his childhood and Edison did his famous experiments. Some old buildings and furnitures remained the same way as they once were and there were ladies and gentlemen wearing costumes inside the house and walking around the streets. I felt myself almost in the old days. I liked the simple, idle and peaceful life like that.

I watched the process of making handcrafts such as glass, pottery, tin and printing, weaving in different mills. They were really delicacy and magical.

On Sunday, we went to BBQ held by Association of Tsinghua University Alumni in Michigan in Gallup Park. We met a lot of new friends, played volleyball, football and frisbee and had a lot of fun there.

The most impressive experience was boating in Huron River after the BBQ. On the way to the boat renting place, we asked to put my bag in the car before boating, Youjian said,"Don't worry, it is really a small chance for boat turning over." So I kept my bag with me. Fan, Chao and I roared one boat and We were all waring life vests. Youjian said he fell into the river boating last year here when they wanted to catch up the boat ahead of theirs and to be the first. So Fan planned to knock Youjian's boat over again for fun. But Youjian was quite alert and kept on watching out for our boat. He kept far away from our boat and we were unable to be close to them. After some time chasing in vain, we almost gave up and started to enjoy ourselves to the beautiful scenary and gentle breeze. The sun was quite shining at that time and I took on the sunglasses and took out the camara to take photos. We even saw some boys jumping into the river from the bridge and we felt a strong passion to swim. At that time, we found Youjian's boat just in front of us. Then Fan plotted to approach their boat by swimming and started to take off his vest. I wanted to put my camera back into my bag and roared the boat instead of Fan. Just at the time he was jumping into the river and I was unzipping my bag, I felt the sky and land rolling and then I found myself all surrounded in water. The boat TURNED OVER and my bag was full of water and became so heavy to lift. What was worse, the sunglasses kept me from seeing and the life vest and float grass kept me from swimming comfortably. The boat was filled with water, too. I struggled hard in the river. Thanks to Youjian who help me to take my bag which has already turned to be a "waterbag", Fan and I pulled the boat back to the bank. I felt very embarrassed as if everyone is looking at us and suddenly I found the name card was still tied tightly to my shirt with my name just on as if I'd like everyone to know that was me who fell into the river and looked like a drowned rat. All my "treasures" seemed like floating in the soup. To tell you the truth, I didn't feel very bad then, but a little fun except worrying about my camera. We dried ourselves, our treasures as well as the boat in the sun on the grass and then continue our boating. What is said "In the same boat" means "pull together in times of trouble". At that time, I had the feeling and I think we became good friends after the "accident".

In the evening, we four had dinner together in "EverGreen", a Chinese restaurant, whose cash was all still wet when paying the bills except Youjian.

What an interesting and special weekend~ The memory will last long.

PS: Last night I kept on blowing my camera with a hair drier and prayed it to "recover" although I was almost exausted. It never rains bout it pours. Today I found my watch lost.

Cry for RP~ (This is Chinglish which means I want to be luckier!)

Summary: One lost, one died, one hurt...

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Yes Log on July 9

Qian Ma: We'll start the main topic directly without a small talk if we are familiar.
Mindy: Oh, you will jump right to the main topic.
Qian Ma: Yeah, we will jump right to the main topic.